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Victims of domestic violence need support from loving family, friends, and community leaders.

Victims of domestic violence need support from loving family, friends, neighbors, and community leaders. If someone you know is a victim of abuse, it's important to show empathy, express concerns, and listen and validate their experiences. Work together to create a safety plan, and connect with resources who will advocate on the victim's behalf.

It's important to never shame victims or blame them for the abuse. The abuser is the problem in cases of domestic violence, not the victim. Instead, give empathic statements like:

•    I am concerned for your safety

•    No one deserves to be abused

•    I'm sorry you are experiencing this

•    I believe you

•   It's not your fault

Learn More about Domestic Violence and patterns to watch.

Domestic Violence is a pattern of behavior used by someone to establish and maintain power and control over an intimate partner. This abusive behavior may include physical, emotional, economic, or sexual abuse.


There are a number of barriers preventing victims from leaving dangerous and abusive relationships.


Victims of domestic violence need support from loving family, friends, and community leaders.


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